
Product category:LouCheng plate
Product introduction:YXB65-240-720闭口楼承板,也叫压型钢板、钢承板、钢楼承板,是采用镀锌钢板经辊压冷弯成型,其截面成V型、U型、梯形或类似这几种形状的波形,主要用作永久性模板,也可被选为其他用途。

Product details

YXB65-240-720,  unfolding width: 1219 mm

YXB65-240-720 closed floor bearing plate, also known as profiled steel plate, steel bearing plate, steel floor bearing plate, is formed by roll cold bending of galvanized steel sheet. Its cross-section is V-shaped, U-shaped, trapezoidal or similar waveforms, mainly used as permanent formwork, can also be selected for other purposes.

The earliest profiled steel sheets were mainly used for roof slabs of factory buildings. The profiled steel sheets used for floors were gradually classified as floor slabs.

I. Application of Bearing Plate of YXB65-240-720 Closed Floor

The products are widely used in power plants, power equipment companies, automobile exhibition halls, steel structure factory buildings, cement storehouses, steel structure offices, airport terminal buildings, railway stations, stadiums, concert halls, grand theatres, large supermarkets, logistics centers, Olympic stadiums and gymnasiums and other steel structure buildings.

To meet the requirements of rapid construction of the main steel structure, it can provide a firm platform for lessons in a short time, and can use multiple floors to lay profiled steel sheets, layered concrete slabs in the pipeline construction.

2. Main Characteristics of Bearing Slab of YXB65-240-720 Closed Floor

1: To meet the requirements of rapid construction of main steel structure, it can provide a firm working platform in a short time, and can use multiple floors to lay profiled steel sheets and layered concrete slabs for flow construction.

2: In the use stage, the floor slab is used as the tension reinforcement of the concrete floor, which also improves the stiffness of the floor and saves the amount of reinforcement and concrete.

3: The surface embossing of profiled slab produces the greatest bonding force between floor slab and concrete, and makes them form a whole, with stiffening ribs, so that the floor slab system has high bearing capacity.

4: Under the cantilever condition, the floor deck is only used as permanent formwork. The length of cantilever can be determined according to the cross-section characteristics of floor deck. In order to prevent the cracking of the cantilever plate, the negative reinforcement should be attached to the support according to the design of the structural engineer.

3. Similar specification models of YXB65-240-720 closed floor deck

Floor deck is divided into three categories: open floor deck, retractable floor deck and closed floor deck.

Open floor decks include: YXB76-305-915, YXB51-305-915, YXB75-200-600, YXB50-250-750, YXB35-125-750;

The retractable floor deck includes: YXB51-200-600;

The decks of closed buildings include YXB65-185-555, YXB66-240-720, YXB65-170-510, YXB46-200-600 and YXB40-185-740.

4. Technical Advantages of Installation of Bearing Slab of YXB65-240-720 Closed Floor Compared with Ordinary Opening Slab

1: The deck of closed building is processed in the factory strictly according to the design plan. The sequence of deck arrangement has been numbered. There is no need to cut and mend the deck in the field construction, which is convenient for installation in the steel structure company.

2: When the deck of closed building is lined up according to the span, when it is lined up with the steel beam, the flat bottom of the deck has enough area to be connected with the steel beam. Therefore, it can be directly laid over without any treatment (the open slab needs to be cut and patched in order to avoid overlapping with the steel beam).

3: Open slab should be blocked at the port to prevent concrete from leaking into the opening from the bottom of the slab, while the bearing slab of closed floor need not be blocked at the end because the web is closed.

4: Because the bottom of the bearing plate is flat, it can be fully combined with the upper wing plate of the steel beam, no matter it is crosswise or in-line with the steel beam, so there is no need to spray fire retardant paint on the top of the upper wing plate of the steel beam. However, there is a void between the open steel bearing plate and the steel beam, so the shoulder plug should be made to fill the void.

5: The bearing slab of closed building completely replaces the lower steel bar, reduces the production of steel bar on site, reduces the workload on site and speeds up the construction. At the same time, canceling the original design of the lower reinforcement can provide more space for laying wire sleeve in the floor.

Compared with the composite floor slab with open steel bearing slab, the fire retardant coating at the bottom of the slab can be cancelled, the lower steel bar can be completely replaced, the slab thickness can be reduced, the concrete consumption can be saved, and the unique suspension system of the closed floor bearing slab can also save the installation cost of mechanical and electrical pipelines. In addition, because of the advantages mentioned above, the processing speed can be obviously accelerated and the construction period can be shortened. Therefore, on the one hand, the use of closed floor deck can reduce the direct cost of the project, on the other hand, it can also reduce the cost of the project pipeline.

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