
Product category:LouCheng plate
Product introduction:YX35-125-750开口楼承板,也叫压型钢板、钢承板、钢楼承板,是采用镀锌钢板经辊压冷弯成型,其截面成V型、U型、梯形或类似这几种形状的波形,主要用作永久性模板,也可被选为其他用途。

Product details

JCYX35-125-750, unfolding width: 1000mm

YX35-125-750 open floor bearing plate, also known as profiled steel plate, steel bearing plate and steel floor bearing plate, is formed by roll cold bending of galvanized steel sheet. Its cross-section is V-shaped, U-shaped, trapezoidal or similar waveforms. It is mainly used as permanent formwork, and can also be selected for other purposes.

The earliest profiled steel sheets were mainly used for roof slabs of factory buildings. The profiled steel sheets used for floors were gradually classified as floor slabs.

I. Application of YX35-125-750 Open Floor Bearing Slab

The products are widely used in power plants, power equipment companies, automobile exhibition halls, steel structure factory buildings, cement storehouses, steel structure offices, airport terminal buildings, railway stations, stadiums, concert halls, grand theatres, large supermarkets, logistics centers, Olympic stadiums and gymnasiums and other steel structure buildings.

To meet the requirements of rapid construction of the main steel structure, it can provide a firm platform for lessons in a short time, and can use multiple floors to lay profiled steel sheets, layered concrete slabs in the pipeline construction.

2. Main characteristics of YX35-125-750 open floor deck

Open floor deck, also known as concave-convex profiled steel plate, W-shaped floor deck, U-shaped floor deck. Open floor deck can be roughly divided into 51 and 76 types according to wave height.

3. Similar specification models of YX35-125-750 open floor deck

Floor deck is divided into three categories: open floor deck, retractable floor deck and closed floor deck.

Open floor decks include: YXB76-305-915, YXB51-305-915, YXB75-200-600, YXB50-250-750, YXB35-125-750;

The retractable floor deck includes: YXB51-200-600;

The decks of closed buildings include YXB65-185-555, YXB66-240-720, YXB65-170-510, YXB46-200-600 and YXB40-185-740.

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