Socket type foam sandwich panel

Product category:Caigang sandwich board
Product introduction:彩钢夹芯板产品是由两层成型金属面板(或其他材料面板)和直接在面板中间发泡、熟化成型的高分子隔热内芯组成。这些夹芯板成品便于安装、轻质、高效。填充系统使用的也是闭泡分子结构,可以杜绝水汽的凝结。

Product details

Caigang sandwich board product is composed of two layer forming metal panel (panel) or other materials and directly in the middle of the panel foaming and curing molding of polymer insulation of inner core. The sandwich board product easy to install, lightweight and efficient. Filling system is also closed bubble molecular structure, can prevent condensation of water vapor.

Outer plate forming fully considering the structure and strength requirement, and to two or morethings and beautiful, the surface shape is flat to meet various needs.

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