Rock wool sandwich panel (tablet)

Product category:Caigang sandwich board
Product introduction:彩钢岩棉夹芯板及其生产工艺实现了在工厂中通过自动化的设备将岩棉和钢板复合成一个整体,从而改变了以前岩棉板材需现场复合的方式,在满足建筑物保温隔热,隔声,防火等要求的前提下,更达到了优质、高效、可靠..

Product details

Caigang rock wool sandwich panel and its production technology achieved through automation equipment in the factory will rock wool and steel compound into a whole, so as to change the scene of the rock wool plate needs before composite, in meet the building thermal insulation, sound insulation, fire protection requirements under the premise of more reach the goal of high quality, efficient, reliable and safe. The product after extensive application in Europe, has been mature and perfect.

Rock wool sandwich panel is widely used in steel structure workshop, simple mobile roof, ceiling and partition wall, air, clean room, etc. Rock wool sandwich panel, generally can be customized according to customer request, is the sandwich board series products of refractory performance is most superior.

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