
Product category:Resin tile
Product introduction:树脂瓦分为天然树脂瓦和合成树脂瓦,市面上所称的树脂为一般为合成树脂瓦。合成树脂瓦采用世界500强企业SABIC公司 高耐候工程树脂ASA研制而成的。

Product details

Product performance and advantages:

Resin tile can be divided into natural resin tile and synthetic resin tile. The resin on the market is generally called synthetic resin tile. The synthetic resin tile is developed with ASA, a high weatherproof engineering resin from

SABIC Company, the world's top 500 enterprises.

ASA is a ternary polymer composed of acrylonitrile (Acrylonitrile), styrene (Styrene) and acrylic rubber (Acrylate).

Synthetic resin tile has the advantages of durable color, light weight, self-waterproofing, toughness, thermal insulation, sound insulation, corrosion resistance, wind and earthquake resistance, hail resistance, pollution resistance,

green environmental protection, fire prevention, insulation, convenient installation, etc. Moreover, it has beautiful shape, strong stereo sense and strong color, which makes it widely used in all kinds of permanent building roof

decoration, especially in China. "Flat to Slope" Project.

Product advantages:

Color persistence

The surface material of synthetic resin tile is made of imported engineering resin with super weatherability. It has super durability in natural environment. It can maintain its color stability even if it is exposed to ultraviolet

radiation, humidity, heat and cold for a long time. According to the outdoor use results in areas with strong sunlight, such as Arizona and Florida, USA, it can ensure that the color does not fade for ten years.

Excellent load resistance

The synthetic resin tile has good bearing capacity. In low temperature areas, even if the roof is covered with snow all the year round, synthetic resin tile will not cause surface damage and fracture. Tests show that under the condition

of 660 mm support spacing and 150_load, the tile will not produce cracks and damage.

Good sound insulation

The test proves that the synthetic resin tile has a good noise absorption effect when it is affected by the external noise such as rainstorm and gale.

Corrosion resistance

Synthetic resin tile can resist corrosion of acid, alkali, salt and other chemical substances for a long time. Experiments show that there is no chemical reaction after 24 hours immersion in salts, alkalis and acids below 60%. It is very

suitable for acid rain-prone areas and coastal areas, with remarkable effect.

Fire prevention

Synthetic resin tile is a kind of non-flammable material. It has been tested by national fire protection authority according to GB8624-2006 standard. Its fire resistance is above B1 grade.

Impact resistance

The synthetic resin tile has strong external impact resistance. The free falling of 1 kg steel ball from 3 meters high will not cause cracks, and the impact resistance at low temperature is also remarkable.

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